Hardwood Flooring Contractor

Do you need to install a hardwood floor in the Littleton area? Contact our professional team at BHC Imports today!
Hardwood floors have been a structural feature in American homes for centuries. This type of flooring offers optimal aesthetic appeal, durability, and strength. If you want to incorporate authentic, natural tones into your living spaces, installing a hardwood floor should be your first consideration. At BHC Imports, we are a hardwood floor installer with an excellent track record in Highland Ranch, CO. Our team will provide you with a cost-effective, custom installation service to enhance your home interior’s appearance and functionality. Contact us today to request a quote. What can you expect from our flooring installation service? Please read our customer reviews to find out.

What Is Hardwood Flooring?

Hardwood flooring is floor planks or boards with genuine timber construction. The appearance of these planks depends on the wood species and the type of surface finish you choose. Two types of hardwood flooring are available:

  • Solid wood flooring: This type of floor plank consists of a single, solid piece of wood.
  • Engineered wood flooring: These planks have a top layer of natural wood and a plywood base.

Some homeowners prefer engineered wood flooring as it has a natural wood appearance with the protection and added strength of the plywood base. At BHC Imports, we offer a wide selection of hardwood flooring species, styles, and colors.

What Are the Benefits of Hardwood Floors?

New hardwood floors provide property owners with a comprehensive range of benefits, making them a viable option for your remodeling project.

Natural appearance: A hardwood floor has an authentic appearance and texture that some synthetic flooring products can’t replicate.

Design flexibility: The textures and tones of hardwood flooring are compatible with almost all interior design styles, from modern and simplistic living spaces to classic or farmhouse-style kitchens and living rooms.

Durable and robust: A wood floor has a high load-bearing capacity, and it can withstand impact, abrasion, and high foot traffic.

Longevity: Wooden planks have the longest life expectancy of all flooring options. Your hardwood floor can last for a century with proper maintenance and care.

Property resale value increase: Do you want to sell your home? A wooden floor is a unique selling point that will attract prospective buyers and increase your home’s market value.

Do you want to install hardwood floors in Littleton, CO? Contact us today to schedule an installation.

Is Hardwood Flooring a Better Option Than Laminate Flooring?

A laminate floor has a synthetic construction and consists of multiple layers. The surface of these planks is a high-resolution image with a transparent protective layer. This image typically gives the boards the appearance of wood. Laminated products generally have low price tags, but they don’t offer the same natural appearance and longevity as real timber planks. If you need a hardwood flooring installation in Littleton, Colorado, look no further than our experienced team at BHC Imports. We will provide you with top-quality products and superior customer service. Call us at +1(204)997-3371 to schedule an installation service.